
Get to know our Marshall Advisory Council

Marshall Elementary's School Advisory Council (MAC) is formed by Parents and Staff members of Thurgood Marshall Elementary -a school from Prince William County, Virginia-. The main purpose is to assist in developing the School Strategic Plan through recommendations and the healthy discussions of ideas, opportunities and concerns brought up by the community.

We ask that you get to know your representatives and share your ideas, or contact us via our suggestions box, located on the front desk of our school, or via email! Let your voice and ideas count!

Meeting Place

Usually, MAC meets in Marshall's Library, but we will meet via Zoom until further notice.

MAC Chair

The main purpose of this position is that of an organizer and moderator. The Chair brings all the moving parts together, but the active council members are the true engine behind MAC

Community Email

[email protected] 

This email has been set up to receive all official council communications. This email will be passed on from Chair to Chair to ensure that there is a centralized hub for information to be kept safe for the next generations of Councils.

MAC Council members

Their main role is to gather information and feedback from students, parents, staff, and the community, attend monthly meetings and provide recommendations to the administration and assist with the school's overall decision-making process.

MAC Council member alternates

Alternates can fill unexpired terms or absent members according to the Bylaw.

Job Descriptions

MAC Chair Job Description

Call all MAC meetings and special project meetings, as specified by the Bylaws.

Chair all monthly MAC meetings and work with the Principal and/or Assistant Principal in planning and directing the activities of MAC.

Create and distribute the agendas in advance of the monthly MAC meetings.

Co-ordinate with the Secretary to prepare the Minutes, ensuring they are approved and posted to the Marshall Elementary website.

Prepare and review with the Principal and/or Assistant Principal the yearly agenda and assist in setting goals and objectives that are compatible with the continuous improvement plan.

Meet as necessary with different members of the school to address concerns related to MAC's goals and objectives.

Maintain a neutral position as much as possible while bring forth awareness of different opinions from members of MAC and of the school.

Provide coaching and/or encouragement to all members of special projects, that MAC decided to create to pursue its goals.


MAC Vice-Chair Job Description

Work closely with the Chair to become familiar with the specific duties of that position.

Prepare to assume the duties of the Chair in case of his or her absence.

Sit in place of the Chair in his/her absence, as necessary, at all general MAC meetings.

Oversee the election process at the May meeting.

Assist MAC with communications endeavors, such as website's communication strategies, school wide communications, coordinating programs that provide training and information to the MAC and any other matter that the MAC or the Chair might need.


MAC Secretary

Attend all monthly general MAC meetings.

Maintain a roster of MAC members and their contact information.

Keep full and accurate records of all MAC meetings. Keep a written list of who attends the meetings.

Co-ordinate with the Chair to prepare the Minutes, ensuring they are approved and posted to the Marshall Elementary website.

Receive reports from all special project's teams and other paperwork and compile them for further review by the MAC and for filing.

Perform such tasks as directed by the Chair and Principal for the benefit of the MAC.

For more information or details, please refer to our MAC Bylaws (revision October 2021).

Open Forum

Parents, teachers and community members of Marshall Elementary are welcome to our meetings. Open floor items will typically be responded to at a later time by a designated person or become an agenda item for further discussion. We ask that any open forum statement is limited to 3 minutes due to time constrain and as per Bylaws. But we welcome open letters, or lengthier suggestions in our suggestions' box, located in the entry waiting area.


Meeting Place*

Marshall Elementary School Library
*Zoom links shall be provided until the full reopening of the school.

MAC Chair

The main purpose of this position is that of an organizer and moderator. The chair brings all the moving parts together, but the active council members are the true engine behind the Advisory Council.

Community Email

[email protected]  

This email has been set up to receive all official council communications. This email will be passed on from Chair to Chair.

MAC Council Members

The main purpose is to assist in developing the School Strategic Plan through recommendations and the healthy discussions of ideas, opportunities and concerns brought up by the community.

MAC Council Alternate Members

Alternates can fill un-expired terms or absent members according to the Bylaws set previously in place.